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    Nice to meet you, my name is Kamagram. I am making a small living through my work as an AV director. It's hard to say this in front of everyone, but the longer you've been in the industry, the more you get tired of the daily shooting routine and feel like you've reached a plateau. It's similar to the feeling of walking on a beautifully paved road. Where did the fun I had in the beginning go? I'm sorry, but I'm sorry to hear about this nonsense. I'm shooting today too. This is a scene with AV actress "Yuki Hiiragi" who has recently become a hot topic on SNS. It's a simple content shoot. I feel comfortable because it's a gonzo movie. She hadn't even had a director's interview, so I had a chance to talk with her during her on-site meeting. Age, reason for entering the industry, what you want to do today, plays you're not good at, etc. As always. I'm running out of things to talk about, so I'm digressing. From the story of her hometown to the story of her past... These are love stories from my school days, erotic stories, etc. Even if you don't know each other about this kind of conversation, you will quickly become closer to each other. If you ask me, my first love was my school teacher. Although we didn't have sex, I was attacked by a teacher who has a wife and child... I can't say it here, please watch the video. I was so excited. It was so exciting that I felt like letting Yuuki meet her first love, her teacher. She's a really good girl. On-site today? All you have to do is take photos of the material. I only have time for Gonzo. I will do my job properly. Other than that, I will just be the photographer accompanying her. Searching for memories of AV actress "Yuki Hiiragi", will she be able to meet her first love and teacher? stay tuned! I'd like to say that, but if you look at the product jacket, you'll know it's a spoiler. An unexpectedly heart-pounding ★ suspenseful "one day only" recording video of an AV director and an AV actress. Sex as AV actress "Yuki" and sex as private life-sized "Yuki". Which one do you prefer? Hmm, both! That's greedy lol Putting aside my joking, I would be happy if everyone could get to know even a little bit about the goodness of "Yuki Hiiragi". This is a valuable work that made me feel a little bit of the feeling I had when I first started this job. I'm really thankful to you.
